Mon 15 May 2023, 20:00 hrs

Huismuziek online workshop with Rebecca Huber

Online workshop on classical and romantic performance practice

In recent years, historical performance practice has increasingly been applied to later and later repertoire. Early music doesn’t end in the baroque era and many musicologists, ensembles and musicians are incorporating treatises and performances practices from the classical period and breathing new life into works by composers like Haydn, Mozart and Beethoven.

In the 2 workshops, Rebecca will give an overview of the historical and musical changes that occurred in the relatively short transitional period of around 30 years, between 1780-1820. We will discuss Haydn and his impact on the classical music world, the French Revolution and it’s effect on performance practice, Beethoven and the origin of the self made musician, and some of the prominent musicians of the period who wrote treatises on stylistic practices. After the online workshops, I will share several articles and recordings which everyone can read before meeting for the workshop.

The students can be “modern” or baroque players and play any string instrument. Singers, wind players and keyboard players also could benefit from the online part of the course as well, but my expertise is in string playing so a lot of my references come from violin treatises.


More information in Dutch and English op the website of Huismuziek.